Monday, April 20, 2009

BW lunch.

after BW closed down for good,angela wanted to see us all once we met up for lunch at pizza hut's.and the topic of what we're gonna do next was being brought up,no doubt bout that.well,we're jobless!while Angela can stay at home and be her tai tai and enjoy life with her family.the bionicle bitches are still searching high and low for jobs out there.but we actually sorta decided to work for alice(the nasty boss from the other outlets)for the time being,but just dunno how to put it across to angela!finally i decided to take the initiative to make the first move.i texted Angela bout our situation and she's willingly to help just hoping we'll get a call back from alice and be able to meet her workin hours requirements.

mickey mao ice cream.not too bad!

when we got back to the shop,we wanted to know very much how alice and her husband looks like without her knowing we're in the we hide in the storeroom.we couldnt stop fidgeting.geraldine kept burping, soon jin kept whispering, and i kept whining how bad i need the was hilarious.despite alice getting suspicious, we managed to get away with our hiding and even had a good loook of her face.
in the storeroom

she looks like a rat!haha.a suspicious one.

after that we just want to take some shots in the shop as momento.

angela and me
hippiest penguin!
more photos with soon jin and angela!man!i miss working at BW.

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